Prof. Dr. Anastasia Glawion

Prof. Dr. Anastasia Glawion

Junior Professor for Digital Literature and Methods

Department of Digital Humanities and Social Studies (DHSS)
Junior Professorship for Digital Literature and Methods

Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 61
91052 Erlangen

Research focus

  • Digital methods and mixed methods research in Digital Literary Studies
  • Network analysis of literary texts
  • Fan fiction as archontic literature
  • Digital Memory Studies
  • Fairy Tale analysis

Curriculum Vitae

since 07/2024

Junior Professor for digital Literature and Methods
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department for Digital Humanities and Social Studies

04/2023 – 06/2024

parental leave

07/2021 – 03/2023

PostDoc Researcher
LitLab at the Chair of German Studies – Digital Literature Studies, TU Darmstadt

04/2016 – 06/2021

PhD Researcher
Chair of German Studies – Digital Literature Studies, TU Darmstadt

Doctoral Dissertation: “Practices of Transnational Memory – A Mixed-Methods Study of A Historical Online Forum”

04/2014 – 03/2016 

PhD Researcher
Universität Konstanz
Cluster of Excellence “Cultural Foundation of Integration”



  • with Thomas Weitin, Thomas Fabian, Judith Brottrager, and Zsofia Pilz. „Is badfiction processed differently by the human brain? An electrophysical study on reading experience“. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17 (26. January 2024): 1333965.
  • with Thomas Weitin, Jill Bühler, Judith Brottrager, and Joël Doat. „Autorschaft und Literarische Kommunikation in Fanfiction-Portalen: Harry Potter auf“. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik 53, Nr. 3 (September 2023): 595–622.
  • with Thomas Weitin, Simon Päpcke, Katharina Herget, and Ulrik Brandes (2023). Reading at Scale. A Digital Analysis of German Novellas from the 19th Century (Reading at Scale). In: Birgit Schneider/ Beate Löffler/ Tino Mager/ Carola Hein (Eds.), Mixing Methods (63-78). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
  • with Simon Päpcke, Thomas Weitin, Katharina Herget, and Ulrik Brandes. „Stylometric Similarity in Literary Corpora: Non-Authorship Clustering and Deutscher Novellenschatz“. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, August 9th, 2022, fqac039.
  • with Marc Adler, Bartsch, Sabine, Becker, Maria, Bender, Michael, Borek, Luise, Brinkmann, Cindy, Dimpel, Friedrich Michael, et al. „Digitale Philologie: Das Darmstädter Modell“, In: Working Papers in Digital Philology, 1, Nr. 1 (2020): 1–35.
  • Pupynina, Anastasia. „Non-Human actors and identity performance online“. In: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, Nr. 2 (2016): 2–10.

Conference Papers

  • with Judith Brottrager, Katharina Herget, and Thomas Weitin. „Networks at Scale. A Metadata-Based Approach to Detecting Links Between Fanfiction-Communities“. DH2023 „Collaboration as Opportunity“ (Graz): Book of Abstracts.
  • with  Thomas Weitin. Einfluss des häufigen Lesens auf Textwahrnehmung: Ergebnisse eines Leseexperiments. DHd 2023 „Open Humanities, Open Culture“ (Trier / Luxemburg): Book of Abstracts.
  • Praktiken der digitalen Erinnerung an den 2. Weltkrieg – Netzwerkmodelierungen des “Axis History Forum”. DHd 2022 „Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses“ (Potsdam): Book of Abstracts.


Selected Talks

“Fan graphs – an introduction to network analysis” – Guest lecture at the “Digital Social Reading” seminar by Prof. Moniek Kuijpers at the University of Basel, December 2023

“Einfluss des häufigen Lesens auf Textwahrnehmung: Ergebnisse eines Leseexperiments” – DHd Conference “Open Humanities, Open Culture” in Luxemburg / Trier, March 2023

Retrieving online memory practices: an network analysis pipeline” – Historical Network Research Community – Lunch lecture (online), November 2022

Was ist Eyetracking?” – Guest lecture at the seminar “Wissen für Kinder erzählt und erklärt. Stärkung der Methodenkompetenz in Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften” by Corinna Lüdicke at the TU Darmstadt, November 2022

Finnish National Memory in a Transnational Context on the Axis History Forum” – Memory Studies Association Conference “Explorations of Counter-Memory” at the University of Iceland, Reykjavik, October 2022

“New Insights on Fiction Feelings: the impact of frequent reading” – with Zsofia Pilz and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weitin, 18. Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (online), July 2022

Workshop: “Fanfiction und Fanforen” – with Prof. Dr. Thomas Weitin, Katharina Herget, Judith Brottrager, Zsofia Pilz (TU Darmstadt, LitLab), Martina Schories (Datenvisualisierung, SFB 1472), Luca Hammer (Scientific Programmer, SFB 1472) and the TP A01 (SFB 1472): Anne Deckbar, Laura Haas, Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein, Prof. Dr. Niels Werber at the University of Siegen, May 2022

Praktiken der digitalen Erinnerung an den 2. Weltkrieg: Netzwerkmodelierungen des Axis History Forum“ – DHd Conference “Kulturen des Digitalen Gedächtnisses” (online), March 2022