Dr. Sabine Lang
Dr. Sabine Lang
Research focus
Digital art history and provenance research
- The collaboration of computer vision and art history
- Potentials and challenges of digital technologies for provenance research
- Development and application of digital methods, especially pattern recognition
- Critical reflection of digital methods
- Gaps in the digital space (types, causes)
- Knowledge representation, especially the visualization of gaps and problematic contents in the digital space
Board Memberships and Functions
- Women’s representative for the Department Digital Humanities and Social Studies
- Assistant representative of academic mid-level staff for the Department Digital Humanities and Social Studies
- Assistant member of the Commission for Ethics in Security-Relevant Research
Since 04/2022
Research assistant (postdoc)
FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, Department Digital Humanities and Social Studies (DHSS)
03/2021 until 03/2022
Provenance researcher (focus on Nazi confiscated art)
03/2020 until 03/2021
Traineeship, art cataloging
Ketterer Kunst, auction house, Munich
02/2016 until 10/2019
Research assistant (postdoc)
Heidelberg University, Heidelberg Collaboratory for Image Processing
Computer Vision Group (Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer)
Research focus: visual similarities, object recognition, style transfer
Project website: https://ommer-lab.com/research/computer-vision-in-the-digital-humanities/
(website now embedded within the homepage of the Machine Vision & Learning Group, LMU, Munich)
04/2013 until 05/2016
PhD in art history
Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen
Dissertation “Studies on Roland Penrose, English Surrealism and Farley Farm as an Artist House and Representation of the Artist’s Oeuvre” (German: “Studien zu Roland Penrose, dem Englischen Surrealismus und der Farley Farm als Künstlerhaus und Repräsentantin des künstlerischen Werkes”)
- Lang, Sabine: Machine Learning Meets Provenance Research: Recognising and Transcribing Handwritten Annotations in Auction Catalogues. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 19(1) (2025), 17-32. https://doi.org/10.3366/ijhac.2025.0342.
- Ufer, Nikolai, Max Simon, Sabine Lang and Björn Ommer: Large-scale interactive retrieval in art collections using multi-style feature aggregation. PLOS ONE 16(11) (2021),
e0259718, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0259718.
- Lang, Sabine and Björn Ommer: Transforming Information into Knowledge: How Computational Methods Reshape Art History. Digital Humanities Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 3, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (2021), http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/15/3/000560/000560.html.
- Lang, Sabine and Björn Ommer: Reconstructing Histories: The Analysis of Exhibition Photographs with Computational Methods. Arts, special edition: Computational Aesthetics, 7:64 (2018), https://doi.org/10.3390/arts7040064.
- Lang, Sabine and Björn Ommer: Attesting Similarity: Supporting the Organization and Study of Art Image Collections with Computer Vision. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 33:4 (2018), 845-56, https://doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqy006.
- Lang, Sabine and Mathias Zinnen: Digital Provenance Research: Eine computerassistierte Bildersuche in historischen Auktionskatalogen.
Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Bielefeld, Book of Abstracts (2025), 158-164. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14943104.
- Glawion, Anastasia, Dominik Kremer, Sabine Lang, Michaela Mahlberg and Andreas Wagner: Applied Digital Humanities: Calling for a more engaged Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Bielefeld, Book of Abstracts (2025), 298-301. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14942990.
- Kremer, Dominik and Sabine Lang: Konzepträume: Ein Vorschlag zur besseren Abstimmung von Theoriehintergrund und digitalen Datenanalysen. Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Passau, Book of Abstracts (2024), 208-214, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10698442.
- Lang, Sabine: Immer FAIR?! Problematische Inhalte in den Datenbeständen der Provenienzforschung. FORGE 2023 – Anything Goes?! Forschungsdaten in den Geisteswissenschaften – kritisch betrachtet, Tuebingen, Book of Abstracts (2023), 84-92, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8386474.
- Lang, Sabine: “Mind the Gap”: Von Lücken in der Provenienzforschung und ihrer Präsenz im digitalen Raum. Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Trier/Luxembourg, Book of Abstracts (2023), 212-217, https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7715420.
- Ufer, Nikolai, Sabine Lang and Björn Ommer: Object Retrieval and Localization in Large Art Collections Using Deep Multi-Style Feature Fusion and Iterative Voting. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, VISART Workshop (ECCV), Glasgow, United Kingdom (2020), 159-176, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66096-3_12.
- Kotovenko, D., A. Sanakoyeu, S. Lang and B. Ommer: Content and Style Disentanglement for Artistic Style Transfer. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul, South Korea (2019), 4422-4431, https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2019/papers/Kotovenko_Content_and_Style_Disentanglement_for_Artistic_Style_Transfer_ICCV_2019_paper.pdf.
- Kotovenko, D., A. Sanakoyeu, S. Lang, P. Ma and B. Ommer: A Content Transformation Block for Image Style Transfer. Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach, California (2019), 10032-10041, https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_CVPR_2019/papers/Kotovenko_A_Content_Transformation_Block_for_Image_Style_Transfer_CVPR_2019_paper.pdf.
- Lang, Sabine and Björn Ommer: Reflecting on How Artworks are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision, VISART Workshop (ECCV), Munich (2018), 647-652, https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCVW_2018/papers/11130/Lang_Reflecting_on_How_Artworks_Are_Processed_and_Analyzed_by_Computer_ECCVW_2018_paper.pdf.
- Sanakoyeu, A., D. Kotovenko, S. Lang and B. Ommer: A Style-Aware Content Loss for Real-Time HD Style Transfer. Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Munich (2018), 715-731, https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ECCV_2018/papers/Artsiom_Sanakoyeu_A_Style-aware_Content_ECCV_2018_paper.pdf.
- Lang, Sabine and Björn Ommer: Das Objekt jenseits der Digitalisierung. In: Andrea Geipel, Johannes Sauter and Georg Hohmann (Ed.): Das digitale Objekt – Zwischen Depot und Internet, Deutsches Museum Studies, Vol. 7, Deutsches Museum Verlag (2020), 137-159, https://www.deutsches-museum.de/assets/Verlag/Download/Studies/studies-7-download.pdf.
- Lang, Sabine: Studien zu Roland Penrose, dem Englischen Surrealismus und der Farley Farm als Künstlerhaus und Repräsentantin des künstlerischen Werkes. Dissertation, University Library Tuebingen (2016), http://hdl.handle.net/10900/69596.
- Lang, Sabine: Sensible Inhalte im Netz. „Provenienzforschung und Fotografie“ I: Auswirkungen der Digitalität auf den Umgang mit Fotografien. Blog of the Deutsche Zentrum Kulturgutverluste (01.02.2024), https://kulturgutverluste.de/mediathek/blog.
- Lang, Sabine: Wie hat sich Provenienzforschung durch Digitalität verändert? RETOUR-blog for provenance researchers (07.08.2023), https://retour.hypotheses.org/2916.
- Lang, Sabine: “[…] nicht die Ausnahme, sondern der Normalfall[!]“ Die digitale Lücke in der Kunstgeschichte und Provenienzforschung. Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften 8 (2023), https://doi.org/10.17175/2023_002.
Last updated: March 2025
July 2024 |
Title: “Ein Blick zurück: Die Geschichte der Digitalen Kunst“ / “Looking Back: The History of Digital Art“ |
March 2024 | Title: “Ein Blick zurück: Die Geschichte der Digitalen Kunst“ Talk on the occasion of the presentation of the “AI-Experiment” in the accompanying program to the German Congress for Art HistoryFriedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg |
March 2024 |
Title: “Ein Blick zurück: Die Geschichte der Digitalen Kunst“ |
December 2023 | Title: “Problematische Inhalte im Netz: Wie gehen die (digitalen) Geisteswissenschaften damit um?“ FAU Scientia FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
October 2023 | Title: “Können KI-gestützte Verfahren bei der Objektsuche in historischen Auktionskatalogen helfen?“ Long Night of Sciences, Erlangen |
October 2023 | Title: “Einblicke in den Kunstmarkt: Das Potential computergestützter Bildsuchverfahren für die Recherche in Auktionskatalogen“ Session “Ähnlichkeit und Methode: Digitale Perspektiven für die Arbeit mit historischem Bildmaterial“, Wolfenbuettel Herzog August Library and University of Hildesheim |
July 2023 | Title: “»Mind the Gap«: Von Lücken in der Provenienzforschung und ihrer Präsenz im Digitalen“ Researchers‘ Day, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
July 2023 | Title: “Digitale Provenienzforschung: Welches Potential hat Künstliche Intelligenz für die Forschung zur Herkunft von Objekten?“ Collegium Alexandrinum FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
February 2023 | Title: “When science meets art: How computer technologies impact art history” Chair for Science, Technology and Gender Studies FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
February 2023 | Title: “Sind wir ersetzbar? Als Kunsthistorikerin in den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften“ Lecture series “Kunstgeschichte und Beruf“ Institute for Art History, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
July 2022 | Title: “Shifting Value(s): Vom Wert der Digitalisierung und digitaler Methoden und ihren Folgen für das Objekt“ Summer School “Was ist der Wert der Dinge? Konzepte einer Sammlungsökonomie“ Herzog August Library, Wolfenbuettel |
July 2022 | Title: “Provenienzforschung im Kontext des Digitalen: Von Möglichkeiten, Herausforderungen und Tendenzen“ Researchers‘ Day, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg |
May 2022 | Title: “Beyond Digitization: Computer Vision and Art History in Collaboration”Workshop “Computational Methods for Theatre Studies?” Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich |
April 2022 | Title: “Verborgene Geschichten: Provenienzforschung und der NS-Kunstraub“ Community centre Waldstetten, adult education centre, Schwaebisch Gmuend |
September 2018 | Title: “Der künstlerische und künstliche Blick auf das digitale Bild” Workshop “Der digitale Blick – Mixed Methods in der Bildanalyse“ Brandenburg Center for Media Studies, Potsdam |
April 2018 | Title: “Understanding Art: A Critical Assessment of Potentials and Challenges” Symposium “Searching Through Seeing” Frick Collection, New York |
July 2017 | Title: “Revisited: Die Methode der Ordnungsbetrachtung im digitalen Kontext“ Workshop “(Art-)History goes Digital“ Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich |
March 2017 | Title: “Muster erkennen! Strukturelles Sehen in der Kunstgeschichte“ Workshop “Kompetenzdiagnostik und Kompetenzentwicklung in der visuellen Informationsverarbeitung“, Heidelberg |
February 2024 | Title: “Konzepträume: Ein Vorschlag zur besseren Abstimmung von Theoriehintergrund und digitalen Datenanalysen“ Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Passau |
February 2024 | Title: “Whose fault is it? Identifying causes of gaps during the data life cycle” CAA Annual Conference, Chicago & Online Session: “Blanks No More? Digital Art History and the Unknown” |
January 2024 | Title: ”Problematic and Sensitive Content” Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 (PLW 2024), Berlin & Online Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10557132 (slides) |
January 2024 | Title: “Gaps in Provenance Information“ Provenance Loves Wiki 2024 (PLW 2024), Berlin & Online Zenodo: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10557182 (slides) |
October 2023 | Title: “Immer FAIR?! Problematische Inhalte in den Datenbeständen der Provenienzforschung“ FORGE 2023, Tuebingen |
March 2023 | Title: “Mind the Gap”: Von Lücken in der Provenienzforschung und ihrer Präsenz im digitalen Raum“ Digital Humanities in the German-Speaking Countries (DHd), Trier / Luxembourg |
July 2019 | Title: “Finding Visual Patterns in Artworks: An Interactive Search Engine to Detect Objects in Artistic Images” Digital Humanities Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands |
September 2018 | Title: ”Reflecting on How Artworks are Processed and Analyzed by Computer Vision” Workshop “VISART” European Conference on Computer Vision, Munich |
June 2018 | Title: ”Urban Art in a Digital Context: A Computer-Based Evaluation of Street Art and Graffiti Writing“ Digital Humanities Conference, Mexico City, Mexico |
August 2017 | Title: ”An Interface for Art Historical Research” Digital Humanities Conference, Montreal, Canada |
April 2023 | Participant in the panel-discussion about “Digitale Provenienzforschung“, organized by the Digital Art History Group, “AG kuwiki (Kunstwissenschaften + Wikipedia)”, “Ulmer Verein”, online |
Last updated: July 2024