BA Digital Humanities and Social Sciences

Welcome to the digital revolution! Facebook, social media, digital images and Big Data are changing our world at a rapid pace. But what does this mean for our society, our language and our use of images? How do these developments influence our forms of organization and decision-making, as well as our spatial relations?
The humanities and social sciences are challenged to explore this profound social change and to understand the socio-technical preconditions of digitization. The Digital Humanities and Social Sciences have emerged as a new field of research and offer numerous new methodological possibilities.
Discover the fascinating world of Digital Humanities and Social Sciences and be inspired by the latest findings and developments!
- Degree
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
- Duration of studies in semester
- 6
- Start of degree program
- Winter semester
- Study location
- Erlangen
- Number of students
- 1-50
- Special ways to study
- 2-subject Bachelor, Part-time degree program
- Teaching language
- completely in German
- Admission Requirements
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Keywords
- Digital Education, Digitalization, History, Computer Science, Communication, Culture, Art, Media, Sociology, Language, Engineering
What is the degree program about?
Facebook, social media, digital images, Big Data – in the context of the so-called digital revolution, social relationships, language and the use of images are changing. Forms of organization and decision-making, social spatial relations, etc. are being questioned and reconfigured. The humanities and social sciences, which deal with all aspects of human society, art and culture, language and history, with processes of thinking and communication, are challenged to also explore this profound social change and to understand the socio-technical preconditions of digitalization. At the same time, digital technologies also open up numerous new methodological possibilities for the humanities and social sciences themselves. Accordingly, the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences have emerged as a new field of research. The program forms an interface between the humanities and social sciences and information technology. The concept is interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary:
- Thematic emphases in the areas of „Language and Text,“ „Media and Image,“ „Society and Space
- Interdisciplinary electives
- Application-oriented practical module
In your studies, you will deal with concepts and technologies of digitalization and acquire
- Basic knowledge of the content, theories and methods of the digital humanities and social sciences.
- Theoretical and practical knowledge of information technology
- Sound professional and methodological skills in dealing with digital technologies in society
Individual study topics include:
- (object-oriented) programming
- Processing of and safe handling with data
- Dealing with networks
- Conceptual modeling (SQL, XML, DTD, UML)
- Statistical analysis methods
- Web technologies
- Knowledge for responsible handling of digital data (legal issues, communication platforms)
The following modules are foreseen:
- Basics of computer science
- Conceptual Modeling
- Mathematics
- Theoretical computer science
- Fundamentals of Logic in Computer Science
- Mathematical Modeling and Statistics
- Core Module 1: Introduction to Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
- Core Module 2: Use of Digital Data in the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Core Module 3: Science and Society in the Digital Age
- Practice Module
- Elective module: Digital Humanities and Social Sciences in Theory and Practice
- Interest in social developments in the context of digitalization, in visual media and / or in language and literature
- Interest in technical issues
- Enjoyment of networked thinking and flexible problem solving instead of memorization
- Enjoyment of interdisciplinary cooperation
- Creativity
The study program „Digital Humanities and Social Sciences“ qualifies graduates for various professional activities. The methods they learn enable them to develop new ways of thinking and working, which, depending on the combination of subjects, open up a variety of perspectives in exciting, dynamically growing fields of research and work at the intersection of technology, society and culture, such as: Memory institutions (museums, archives, libraries), publishing houses and other media companies (e-publishing and digital markets), journalism (online media, social media), museums, archives and libraries (image/work annotation, databases), public relations and cultural education (internet and new media), education (development of interactive teaching materials and teaching systems, e-learning). Completion of the BA program also provides access to various Master’s programs in the field of Digital Humanities.
Degree program combinations
Das Lehrangebot dieser Kombination ist so aufeinander abgestimmt, dass die Fächer in der Regel überschneidungsfrei miteinander kombiniert werden können.
Limited degree program combinations
- Archaeological Sciences
- Art History
- Book Studies
- Business and Economics
- Chinese Studies
- Cultural History of Christianity
- Education
- French Roman Studies
- Geography: Cultural Geography
- Greek Philology
- Hispanic Studies
- History
- Indo-European and Indo-Iranian Studies
- Islamic Religious Studies
- Italian Romance Studies
- Japanese Studies
- Latin Philology
- Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin
- Oriental Studies
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Scandinavian Studies (BA)
- Sociology
- Theater and Media Studies
Diese Kombination kann nur nach einer diesbezüglichen Studienberatung studiert werden. Die Überschneidungsfreiheit kann jedoch nicht garantiert werden. Die Studierenden tragen selbst die Verantwortung für die Studierbarkeit der Kombination und die Einhaltung der Fristen des § 10. Der Nachweis einer Studienberatung ist bei der Immatrikulation vorzulegen.
- Admission requirements (first semester)
- No Admissions Restrictions
- Application deadline winter semester
Language skills
- German language skills for international applicants
- DSH 2 or equivalent
- General language skills
Nachweis ausreichender Kenntnisse in mindestens 2 Fremdsprachen (darunter Englisch) bis zum Ende des 4. Semesters
- Details and notes
The application deadline for the winter semester for international applicants is July 15th.
In addition to the general qualification for university entrance (Abitur), there are other access options for studying at FAU.
Do you need help or more information?
Our Student Advice and Career Service (IBZ) is the central point of contact for all questions about studying and starting a degree programme. Our Student Service Centres and subject advisors support you in planning your studies.