Data collection in the Geolingual studies network

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Currently, Dominik Kremer and Andreas Wagner from the Department of Digital Humanities and Social Studies at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg are conducting a large-scale study under the label Geolingual Studies together with partners from the University of Würzburg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to investigate which location-based situations of socio-spatial arrangements trigger negative feelings or stress in participants, or conversely trigger recovery and relaxation effects in the sense of “healing places”. They use the SpaceLog app developed at FAU complementing the measurement of physiological, psychological and environmental parameters by the partners. Using SpaceLog, participants record self-reported health using text, voice messages and tag sets documenting their experiences on site in a structured manner using multimodal data (audio, video, photo).

The observations are particularly important in transformative research adressing climate change because urban climate change processes are increasingly affecting everyday routines and require “rearrangements” of urban spaces, e.g. through the integration of more green and blue spaces, in order to promote climate resilience in the environment as well as everyday routines.
We are very pleased that the study has also attracted the attention of local news media:

Listen now (german only!):
Title: “Studie: Wie wollen wir in Zukunft in den Städten leben?”

Watch now (german only!):
“Frankenschau aktuell vom 20.06.2024”

Starting from 15:20, our study is presented.